Study Abroad Admissions
Study Abroad at programs at AUF are based on our Mission: Enriching Students through Cultural Integration, Community Engagement, and Experiential Learning.
Find here the relevant details on our Study Abroad, Gap Year, Non-Credit Internship/SPEL, and TuttoToscana programs.
Our Enrollment Guidelines and Admissions Requirements are provided to help you choose the right academic program. Please refer to the corresponding links below for further information and access to the selected Application forms.
Admissions Requirements:
Semesters, Quarters/Intensive Sessions (Fall, Spring, Summer, Highlight Programs), Academic Year.
Sessions also feature non-Credit Internships/SPEL (Minimum 3-week experience that combines Italian language and professional internships or SPEL placement courses, minimum 6-week experiences for externally-based internships).
Minimum Criteria
Students must have a required minimum US GPA of 2.85, English fluency, High School Diploma, or equivalent. Please note that Internship and SPEL placement courses have additional interview requirements.
Fall or Spring 1 or 3-week program for Event management and production. Study away program that combines Florence and international locations.
This program may require a faculty nomination along with the application form.
Required Documents
To apply for the program, please send the following documents:
- Program Application (signed and completed)
- Official Transcript
- CV or Statement of Prior Experience (if applying for intermediate or advanced levels only)
Tuition and Application
Please send the Program Application (signed and completed), official transcript, CV, or statement of prior experience.
Admissions Office Contact
(+39) 055 2476234
The American University of Florence
ATTN: Admissions Office
Via Ricasoli, 21
50122 Firenze ITALY